Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Goal Setting- Beware!

If you plug into the personal and professional development world, as I have done for many years, you will immediately encounter the notion that setting goals is good. Many trusted professional advisers will actually tell you that if you do not set goals you will never arrive or achieve the things you 'want' in life.

Personally I have never been a goal setter by instinct. Yes I always had things that I 'wanted' but in terms of mapping out a path for achieving them, that was something I never felt motivated to do. However, a couple of years ago I reached a point where I started to listen to the authors and top coaches who insist that setting goals is the right path to travel if we ever want to be satisfied.
So I gave it a try. I even wrote down in detail the goals that I thought I wanted to achieve and how I would achieve them. 30 day goals, 90 day goals, 6 month goals et cetera.I was determined. This time I would work towards my goals, achieve them and get the things I 'wanted'.

But an interesting thing happened. Life happened. I found that some of the ways I had set to achieve my goals did not suit me. They felt 'wrong' and were simply not very interesting for me to be involved in.I found it exhausting and stressful to even think about some of them. Life was already busy, but these goals involved taking massive added action that I had neither the energy nor enthusiasm to go through with. Furthermore, when I went back to review my goals after a few weeks, I wasn't even sure that these were the things I really wanted!

Another thing that occurred to me was this: supposing I carry out all these actions over 6 months and then whatever number of years and I DON'T reach the goals that I'm not totally sure I want anyway? I would have wasted years of time and energy doing stuff that wasn't fun or particularly creative. Or, supposing I carried out all the actions over several years and I DID reach these goals and then found that I didn't really want them after all? Or, supposing I carried out my plans and became bored with the predictability of it all, ignoring the random stuff that comes up in life so that I can focus on these goals?

Yes I understand that for some people, goal-setting does appear to work. I understand that some people swear by it and seem to use it quite effectively. But to me, it seems like a very constraining way to live.

We all have 'wants' and 'desires'. These are things we say that we want. But how often do we question WHY it is that we want these things? Where do these desires actually come from? More importantly, how do we really know that they will improve our lives and bring us satisfaction? Short answer, we don't. The world is littered with individual examples of people that achieved their goals but were far from happy or satisfied. They got the stuff that almost everyone on the planet would say that they want, but it didn't really do them any good in the long run.

More money, a beautiful body, a new relationship,fame, success, a 'better' job, a new car, whatever. These type of things are VERY seductive from the outside but setting our goals on such 'outer world' items at the expense of our inner world, can lead to misery rather than happiness.

I am not saying here that setting goals is bad or wrong. I am saying BE CAREFUL. Where are those things that we so desperately seem to want coming from? What's behind all of it? Maybe these are questions that we could spend our time investigating, and maybe the answers would transform the way we see our whole lives, especially the things we say we 'want'.

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