Thursday, 29 January 2015

A REAL alternative-Part 2

In the first part of this two-part blog post, I described how I came across the 'teachings' of Robert Scheinfeld as a REALLY alternative way of living.
I'm going to continue here by going into more detail about what differentiates these teachings and why you may wish to investigate this opportunity further.

If you look at most self-help programs, techniques and strategies, you'll see that they recommend a set of actions that are supposed to change or improve our lives in one way or another. Let's take as an example meditation. In meditation the aim is to quieten the mind by going into a particular state that may involve breathing techniques, counting and/or forms of visualisation. The idea is that we can close out the 'noise' and interference of our busy mind and experience a state that is closer to 'blissful' or 'calm' or 'peaceful'. The implication is that we can feel 'better' or happier or more in control by doing this and that it will somehow impact on our lives.
This is fine as long as it lasts, but if you have ever tried meditation you will know that as soon as the session is over, the mind starts up it's activity again and very soon we are back where we started. In other words the supposedly positive effects only last as long as we are engaged in meditation itself and sometimes for a short while afterwards.No real transformation of our actual EXPERIENCE has taken place.
The structure and aim of meditation is based around the wish to change our state, even if only temporarily, and experience a different state of being which by implication is superior. Unfortunately it is an aim that is in direct opposition to the way our contemporary lives are structured and the way our minds function.

In the teachings of Robert Scheinfeld, which I shall refer to as Phase 2 from here, there is an opportunity to move into an experience of appreciating whatever we are experiencing, whether we call it peace, calm, stress, fatigue, excitement, frustration, anger etc. What Phase 2 represents is a major, MAJOR shift in the way we perceive experiences. It is almost a mirror image of our 'normal' way of perceiving and experiencing the world, which is called Phase 1 in Robert's work.

In Phase 1 of our human experience, there are 'good' and 'bad' events and emotions. Judging our experience in this way is SO ingrained that it is rare that we even question the validity of our judgements.
Almost all self-help and wellness techniques incorporate the idea that there are good and bad experiences and states of being. They attempt to maximise the 'good' ones and minimise the 'bad' ones through an endless variety of strategies.
In the Phase 2 model that Scheinfeld teaches, these distinctions are seen, and experienced in a wholly new light which increasingly as time moves on provides a gateway to a completely different way of living.
In my view, the central piece and most powerful tool that Robert Scheinfeld offers us is something called 'The Process' which is an activity for transforming the way we experience the world and in particular the emotions and events that we would usually term 'bad' or 'negative'. This Process also transforms 'how' we live our lives as the established 'change, fix and improve' way of living gives way to a massive sense of appreciation and openness to whatever comes along in our lives.

The Phase 2 journey, which involves the transformation over time of how we experience ourselves and our lives is a significant undertaking which in most cases will run into years of living in Phase 2 mode before entering a new state which can be termed Phase 3. Yet the journey itself is a fascinating and rewarding one that gives us a completely different perspective on what is REALLY happening here in the world, where the REAL power source driving reality is located, and what's REALLY possible in this realm that we could call 'The Human Game.'
For more information, Phase 2/3 coaching is available in the UK by writing to me at:

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