Thursday, 1 June 2017

Don't let negativity become your wallpaper.

Our thoughts are the wallpaper of our lives. We become so accustomed to the voice in our heads that we stop noticing it most of the time. These thoughts, the product of the mind, become our living environment. The mind is constantly commenting on the world, adjusting and creating the lens through which we see everything.

When this lens becomes clouded over with negativity it can lead to serious problems. Sometimes a negative thought loop is introduced into our minds from outside, perhaps a friend says something and your mind takes it in. Like a virus it takes up residence in our mental eco-system, polluting and tainting what we see happening around us. After a while it becomes part of the wallpaper and we actually stop noticing the negative loop in the same way we stop noticing the wallpaper in our homes. We have accepted it into our lives and it has literally become part of our daily reality.

We need to become aware of these loops and how they may be sabotaging whatever we do. It's not always easy because they often come with ready-made justifications for why they should be allowed to remain in our awareness. These explanations are very convincing and allow us to opt out of changing our situations for the better. An example might be something like the following:

I'm not going to do my best work because my boss doesn't appreciate me and doesn't respect who I am. Therefore I'm just going to do the minimum at work and not put in any extra effort. After all, the pay's not very good and I didn't get that promotion last year so why should I?

See how this loop comes with plenty of justification built up to support it. It's a very simple and typical type of sequence that leaves us feeling cynical while we actually sabotage our own career. After a while it becomes part of our mental furniture and we no longer have to play the whole thing every time because we know it all by heart.

To overcome such sabotage and move on we need to be very alert, noticing our thoughts as much as possible. Only then can we challenge them and put them to one side if they do not serve us.

It may be helpful to write them down. Our negative mind hates exposure, so seeing the words in front of you and being able to challenge them head-on is a great way to make progress here. It does take strength and persistence but with determination you can deal with your own demons in time.

Stay strong, stay positive!

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