Hey there. I expect you've heard there's an election coming, ANOTHER election coming. The news media are of course getting into their usual frenzy. People on either side of the political divide are getting nasty and personal. ("I'm right" "No!I'm right!"). The politicians are gearing up to drive their oh so important messages home.
But here's the thing. You know and I know that after it's all done it ain't gonna make any difference. Not really. You'll still have the same problems you've got now. Even the country will still have the same problems it's got now. The economy will still go down and up again, some things will be under funded, others won't. People will continue to squabble about which things are more important. They will also still have the same problems in their own lives.
Why? Because it's all a great distraction from the really difficult stuff. The really burning questions of our existence. Let me ask you a question: how many previous elections have really made your life better or worse? Answer: none. Reason: we all continue going around in the same old loops and patterns. In denial about our problems, about where we fall short, about what we REALLY need to do to change our lives. The whole political game is a great way for people to relieve themselves of responsibility for their destiny and blame outside factors. In other words, it's a victims game and even the politicians know that. They know that you and I cannot win through the political game but as long as they can keep you engaged with their agendas they will have a career and they will be listened to and they will be considered important.
What do you think of Donald Trump? Theresa May? Maybe you hate them but I'll bet you still pay attention to what they say, spend time, your precious time slagging them off or thinking about how they've ruined everything.
It's irrelevant guys. It won't make any difference. Okay in some ways it makes a difference if a politician gets us into a war or something. But it's unlikely.
If you take a look at how bankrupt and uninspiring the messages of the two major candidates in this election are, you'll immediately turn away and occupy yourself with something more engaging. Where's the sense of wonder and possibility? The reality is that these people are absolutely lost, as individuals. They have nothing to offer you and I. No fresh ideas, no charm, no direction home.
The answers are elsewhere. The answers you need, we all need are inside of us. That's the real game, the hard one that very few people know how to win. So, in my humble opinion, let them get on with it and mind your own business!
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