The word 'Leadership' has become rather loosely and over-used in recent times. It's a bit like 'iconic'. Is the One Show iconic? Is Lady Gaga iconic? Is everything iconic? I hope not. But anyway back to leadership.
Nowadays several things are being put forward as 'leadership' that IMHO are not at all leadership. For example doing your job as expected is not really leadership, is it? Doing as you are told by your boss or teacher isn't really leadership. In fact it isn't leadership at all. What our current politicians in the UK are doing does not look to me like leadership either. Leadership isn't following public opinion or trying to win votes by doing what the majority want you to do or say. It can be the opposite of that, at times.
Leadership isn't towing the party line and saying what's expected, and that's one of the main reasons why people have come to distrust politicians from the main parties.
So what is leadership? I'm no expert, but here's what I think as a professional trainer with global experience in many of the world's top corporations:
Leadership is about leading people. This means that you are going places BEFORE everyone else goes there. You are at the leading edge of change and development.
Leadership is about having courage and beliefs founded upon tried principles. A leader is ready to be unpopular and even hated if necessary. For years, Steve Jobs was something of a pariah figure, but his vision proved stronger and more relevant than those who turned their back on him.
Leadership is about having a message that inspires people and being able to communicate that message in a way that gives them fresh hope.
A leader is ready to look bad if necessary and takes risks to get their message across. Richard Branson is a good example of someone that has taken risks with his public image (and his life) in order to communicate his vision of the Virgin brand and has generally made it pay off in a big way.In addition to courage, having a clear vision and seeing what others do not see is a must for leaders. This is what actually makes them leaders in the first place.
One more thing: A leader is all about empowering others to go beyond their limitations. A leader isn't just looking for glory. Someone may be brilliant at what they do but not a leader in this respect.
Leaders are people who are exceptional. They have gone beyond the top of their profession, and way way beyond what is reasonably expected. They have firm convictions for which they may even be willing to die, if it comes to that. They uplift others and look for the best in everyone they come into contact with. They are always learners, always wanting to expand their knowledge as they share generously what they have of their own.
Let's not devalue important concepts by cheapening their cache of meaning. It takes remarkable qualities to really move people and surely we need to recognise this in our use of descriptions.
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